Relazioni nazionali
Relazioni internazionali
Grande Priorato Indipendente d’Elvezia (1779) mantiene amichevoli rapporti internazionali con :
Rito Scozzese Rettificato
- Grand Priory of America (1934)
- Grand Priory of England and Wales (1937)
- Grand Prieuré de Belgique (1986)
- Grand Prieuré de Lusitanie (1995)
- Grand Prieuré du Togo (1999)
- Grand Prieuré Rectifié de France (2002)
- Grand Prieuré Rectifié du Brésil (2008)
- Grand Prieuré Rectifié d'Espagne (2008)
- Grand Prieuré d'Autriche du RER (2014)
- Grand Prieuré du Bénin (2019)
Riti amici in Europa
- Danish Order of Freemasons
- Grand Prieuré des Ordres Unis pour la France
- Great Priory of Finland
- Great Priory of Germany
- Great Priory of Greece
- Great Priory of Ireland
- Great Priory of Scotland
- Grosse Landesloge der Freimaurer von Deutschland
- Grosse National-Mutterloge "Zu den drei Weltkugeln"
- Icelandic Order of Freemasons
- Norwegian Order of Freemasons
- Swedish Order of Freemasons
Riti amici d’oltremare
- Sovereign Great Priory of Canada
- Great Priory of New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory
- Great Priory of Queensland
- Great Priory of South Australia
- Great Priory of Victoria
- Great Priory of Western Australia
- Great Priory of New Zealand